Friday, June 6, 2008

Calling all garage scientists...

Greetings. I am currently undertaking a personal HHO conversion on my Jeep. I purchased the kit manual from Run Your Car on Water. With all of the skepticism flying around the 'Net about water conversions (fraud, hoax, scam!), most folks seem embarrassed to admit that they bought a manual or instructions for conversion. Sadly, this results in a terrible lack of shared information. I would be GREATLY interested in hearing from other HHO converters who will unabashedly share their triumphs, difficulties, questions, trials, product/parts suggestions, etc. It doesn't matter if you are using an online kit or built one of your own design--I care about your experience, insight, obstacles, etc. Be specific--we can learn from one another! For example, I am trying to find a suitable Beam-Garretson adapter for my Jeep. Any ideas, websites, company names, phone numbers?? All of the places I have contacted have no idea what I am talking about when I say "water hydrogen conversion."

If you only want to criticize or bash this technology, please don't submit to the blog. I have found over my lifetime that what was once considered impossible, is now everyday. Fifty years ago, personal computers and the Internet were fantasy concepts for nuts like us. :)